
Embrace a New Training Position

What is your role within your association? Do you feel you can help improve meetings and your officiating by taking on a training chair position? The choice is up to you. But if you are thinking about taking on a new, challenging role, it’s time for you to go for it.

Decide to change.

Not everyone wants to embrace change; not everyone wants to accept being nominated for a training position. In most cases, we resist change and will hold onto something that is no longer working or serving us anymore because we are afraid to try or do something different. It is more difficult to teach a group of officials than to show up to meetings, listen and ask a few questions or provide answers periodically. If you know you can help the association as a new training chair for a sport, embrace the change.

Research mode.

Research is getting your facts and details straight and all in one place. Change happens when you implement what you have uncovered. You want to understand what your next move will be before you leap. So, what’s next for you? Understand what it takes to make your change. If you have to learn how to create a PowerPoint presentation or edit video to present at meetings, understand that it is necessary to learn that months before your first meeting. Then, take the steps and go for it.

Make your change.

It’s leap time. You’ve been voted in as the new training chair. Make a plan. Write down what you want to get accomplished for the entire first year in your new position. Perhaps discuss it with a previous training chair. Then break your goal into smaller pieces. Plan out meetings and the various topics. Include video and PowerPoint presentations at most, if not all meetings.

Implementing change gets overwhelming when you are trying to make the entire change at once or the week of each meeting. Don’t do that to yourself. Do one thing, then another, then another. Plan ahead. It’s part of the journey.

Embrace your change.

Reap the benefits of your hard work. The association meetings are about to begin and you are set with a schedule of PowerPoints and video presentations. The hard part is over. You’re ready to truly embrace your new role as training chair.

Whether your change is your choice, (or you have no choice), you still must face it. When you do, you will be better for it as well as your officiating, so go for it!