
Five Tips on How to Become a More Respected LeaderFeatured

1. Don’t expect people to follow you only because your title says they should

To enjoy real authority, you have to earn the trust and respect of your group’s membership. To do so, be honest, share information openly and be as quick to deliver the good news as you are the bad. Be willing to admit when you’re wrong and never break a promise.

2. Keep constant two-way feedback going between yourself and the membership

Without it, you’ll never really know if you’re leading effectively and they won’t feel a part of the association’s goals.

3. Ask yourself if you’re spending too much time directing versus letting others direct themselves

If you fail to empower committee heads, you’ll soon tire because you have to pull the load alone. Harness their energy to relieve your burdens – and everyone will accomplish more.

4. Walk the middle ground between needless risk-taking and being too cautious

Overcautious leaders rarely inspire their membership. But if you embark on too many trips without consulting a map, they may finally refuse to travel with you.

5. Be seen not only as the one who runs the association but also as someone who is involved in it

Get out among your members regularly and be open to ideas from members. Ask for their input on issues concerning the association. Make sure your members are aware you are working for them and they can work with you as well.