
Network With Area Associations

There is much to be gained when local associations reach out to each other. That is true even in places where boards or associations are competing with each other for assignments.

Discuss Common Issues

If your members are having trouble with a local school — perhaps checks aren’t being issued in a timely manner or there have been a number of issues with fan behavior — a call to a neighboring chapter can produce results. Although the administrators at the troublesome school should be approached in a measured, professional manner, indicating that more than one association is experiencing problems will lead to quicker results.

Have a Combined Meeting

It is common for attendance at meetings to dwindle as the season goes on. The end of the schedule is a good time to set up a joint meeting with another association. Instead of two mostly empty rooms, there will be one mostly filled.

Combine Efforts on a Good Cause

It’s beneficial to your hometown, not to mention good public relations, to get out and do something positive. Whether it’s helping out at a homeless shelter, raising funds for a charity or participating in a food drive, teaming up with other officials for the common good is a positive for the community.

Share Material

If you come across some video or printed material that is especially beneficial, don’t horde it. Share the information with another association. If you develop an exchange program with other groups, you won’t find yourself scrambling to find something worthwhile to present at your meetings.